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PENGARUH RETAIL SERVICE QUALITY, LOYALTY PROGRAM DAN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TERHADAP CUSTOMER LOYALTY PADA XYZ HOUSEWARE Tesis Oleh Fajar Rezki Pembimbing 1: Sari Lenggogeni, S.E., M.M., Pg.Dipl., Ph.D Pembimbing 2: Dr. Syafrizal, S.E.,M.M. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh retail service quality, loyalty program dan customer satisfaction terhadap customer loyalty di Xyz Houseware. Xyz Houseware menawarkan berbagai macam barang rumah tangga dan berusaha untuk memberikan pengalaman berbelanja yang memuaskan bagi pelanggannya.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, memanfaatkan survei untuk mengumpulkan data dari pelanggan peralatan rumah tangga Xyz melalui online dan offline kuesioner yang didistribusikan kepada responden yang sesuai dengan kriteria yaitu konsumen yang pernah berbelanja di Xyz Houseware dan konsumen yang menjadi member program loyalitas Xyz Houseware. Kuesioner disebarkan melalui Google Formulir dan di dalam toko, dengan periode pengumpulan data kurang dari satu minggu. Sebanyak 165 kuesioner yang telah diisi yang telah diisi dan dianalisis, mengidentifikasi karakteristik responden berdasarkan pengalaman berbelanja dan keanggotaan mereka di Xyz Houseware. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa retail service quality, loyalty programdan customer satisfaction secara signifikan dan positif mempengaruhi customer loyalty. Retail service quality merupakan faktor penting, karena pelanggan yang mengalami layanan berkualitas tinggi lebih cenderung untuk tetap setia. Customer satisfaction juga secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh retail service quality, dengan faktor-faktor seperti peralatan modern, toko yang bersih dan menarik yang modern, toko yang bersih dan menarik, serta staf yang berpengetahuan luas berkontribusi pada tingkat kepuasan yang lebih tinggi. Selain itu, loyalty program secara signifikan berdampak pada customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty, dengan menawarkan insentif yang meningkatkan nilai yang dirasakan dan mendorong pembelian berulang. Studi ini juga menemukan bahwa customer satisfaction yang lebih tinggi mengarah customer loyalty yang lebih kuat, karena pelanggan yang puas lebih mungkin untuk kembali dan merekomendasikan peralatan rumah tangga Xyz kepada orang lain. Penelitian ini menyoroti hubungan yang saling berhubungan antara retail service quality, loyalty program, customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty dalam konteks toko ritel perlengkapan rumah tangga. Dengan mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek spesifik dari retail service quality dan loyalty program yang secara signifikan berdampak pada customer satisfaction ii dan customer loyalty, penelitian ini memberikan wawasan berharga untuk peralatan rumah tangga Xyz dan peritel serupa yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan retensi dan kepuasan pelanggan. Temuan ini menekankan pentingnya mempertahankan standar layanan yang tinggi dan program loyalitas yang efektif untuk menumbuhkan loyalitas pelanggan jangka panjang. Kata kunci: Retail Service Quality, Loyalty Program, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty iii THE INFLUENCE OF RETAIL SERVICE QUALITY, LOYALTY PROGRAM, AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY AT XYZ HOUSEWARE Thesis By Fajar Rezki Advisor 1: Sari Lenggogeni, S.E., M.M., Pg.Dipl., Ph.D Advisor 2: Dr. Syafrizal, S.E ,M.M ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the influence of retail service quality, loyalty programs, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty at Xyz Houseware. Xyz Houseware offers a variety of household goods and strives to provide a satisfying shopping experience for its customers. This research uses a quantitative approach, utilizing surveys to collect data from Xyz Houseware customers through online and offline questionnaires distributed to respondents meeting specific criteria: those who have shopped at Xyz Houseware and those who are members of the Xyz Houseware loyalty program. The questionnaires were distributed via Google Forms and in-store, with a data collection period of less than one week. A total of 165 completed questionnaires were analyzed, identifying respondent characteristics based on their shopping experiences and membership in the Xyz Houseware loyalty program. Respondents who did not meet the criteria were excluded from this study. The data were analyzed using statistical methods to determine the relationships between retail service quality, loyalty programs, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The results show that retail service quality, loyalty programs, and customer satisfaction significantly and positively influence customer loyalty. Retail service quality is an important factor, as customers who experience high-quality service are more likely to remain loyal. Customer satisfaction is also significantly affected by retail service quality, with factors such as modern equipment, a clean and attractive store, and knowledgeable staff contributing to higher satisfaction levels. Additionally, loyalty programs significantly impact customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by offering incentives that increase perceived value and encourage repeat purchases. The study also found that higher customer satisfaction leads to stronger customer loyalty, as satisfied customers are more likely to return and recommend Xyz Houseware to others. This research highlights the interconnected relationships between retail service quality, loyalty programs, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in the context of a household goods retail store. By identifying specific aspects of retail service quality and loyalty programs that significantly impact customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, this study provides valuable iv insights for Xyz Houseware and similar retailers aiming to enhance customer retention and satisfaction. The findings emphasize the importance of maintaining high service standards and effective loyalty programs to foster long-term customer loyalty. Keywords: Retail Service Quality, Loyalty Program, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Supervisors: Sari Lenggogeni, S.E., M.M., Pg.Dipl., Ph.D ; Dr. Syafrizal, S.E.,M.M.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Retail Service Quality, Loyalty Program, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: Pascasarjana (S2)
Depositing User: S2 Magister Manajemen
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 08:17
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2025 08:17

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