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ABSTRAK Tujuan Stroke menempati urutan pertama sebagai penyebab kematian di Rumah Sakit. Pasien stroke yang menjalani rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi pada tahun 2015 berjumlah 4.099 pasien, dengan pasien meninggal karena stroke iskemik sebesar 6% dan dengan stroke hemoragik sebesar 32%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan ketahanan hidup pasien stroke iskemik dengan stroke hemoragik. Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan desain kohort retrospektif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien yang menjalani rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi tahun 2015 yang berjumlah 4099 orang dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 106 sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat (log rank) dan multivariat (cox proportional hazard). Hasil Hasil uji statistik menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan ketahanan hidup pasien pasien stroke berdasarkan tipe stroke (log rank=0,002). Uji interaksi menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat variabel yang bertindak sebagai modifier. Terjadi perubahan Hazard Ratio (ΔHR >10%) setelah dikontrol oleh variabel jenis kelamin dan diabetes melitus sebagai confounder. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukan HR tipe stroke adalah 6,08 (95%CI=1,54-13,42). Kesimpulan Pasien dengan tipe stroke iskemik memiliki probabilitas hidup yang lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan pasien tipe hemoragik. Disarankan kepada perawat dan dokter yang bertugas di Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi agar memberikan pelayanan secara intensif kepada pasien stroke. Perlu juga perhatian khusus untuk pasien berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan status diabetes melitus. Daftar Pustaka : 33 (1992-2016) Kata Kunci : pasien stroke, tipe stroke, ketahanan hidup FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH ANDALAS UNIVERSITY Undergraduate Thesis, October 2016 NURUL FITRI, Book No. 1210332026 THE COMPARATION OF SURVIVAL RATE PATIENT WITH ISCHEMIC STROKE AND HEMORRHAGIC STROKE IN NATIONAL STROKE BUKITTINGI HOSPITAL 2015 xi + 46 pages, 22 tables, 3 figures, 7 appendices ABSTRACT Objective Stroke took the first place as a cause of died cases in hospital. Patient with stroke that had hospitalized at National Stroke Bukittinggi in 2015 reach 4,099 patient, which patient died caused by ischemic were 6% patient and caused by hemorrhagic were 32%. The purpose of this study to know the comparation of survival rate patient with ischemic stroke and hemorrhaghic stroke. Method The type of this study was analytic observational with cohort retrospective study design. Population of this study was all patients with stroke that had hospitalized in National Stroke Bukittinggi 2015 which 4099 patients with 106 sample who use simple random sampling technique. Data was analyzed with univariate analysis, bivariate analysis (log rank) and multivariate analysis (cox proportional hazard). Result Statistical test showed the there was difference in survival rate of stroke patient based on stroke type (log rank=0.002). Interaction test showed that there are none of the variable that act as modifier. There were HR changed (ΔHR>10%) after being controlled by sex and diabetes mellytus status as a counfonder. Multivariat analysis found HR of stroke type was 6.08 ( 95%CI=1.90-19.40). Conclusion Patient with ischemic stroke type had better probablity to survive than patient with hemorrhagic stroke type. Suggestion for nurse and doctor that in charge at National Stroke Bukittinggi Hospital to give the intensive care for patient with stroke. There are also need to give special attention for patient with stroke based on the sex and diabetes mellytus status. References : 33 (1992-2016) Keywords : stroke patient, stroke type, survival rate
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat |
Depositing User: | s1 kesehatan masyarakat |
Date Deposited: | 27 Oct 2016 06:45 |
Last Modified: | 27 Oct 2016 06:45 |
URI: | |
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