%L skripsi205034 %A Muhamad 'Adli Hawariyan %I Universitas Andalas %X Scoliosis, in a simple manner, is a sideways curvature of the spine. A sideways curvature of the spine is most often diagnosed in adolescents. Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis was a common disorder in 2012, with a frequency of 0.47 to 5.2 percent. Many problems have been observed in the case of scoliosis surgery utilising pedicle screws and implant rods, such as excessive load at the screw, which makes both the screw and the implant rod break during the correction in the long run, putting scoliosis patients in danger of paralysis. Research on the magnitude of the estimated force of correction by exerting force on the implant rods and screws was done by Yuichiro Abe and Remel Salmigo, each of them using ANSYS 11.0 to analyse earlier investigations that used patient data resulting from forces acting on the Z-Y plane and the other X-Y plane. Based on this research, a study was conducted using a complete spine model in a one-dimensional space frame model to evaluate the correction force applied to the pedicle screw's placement. One of the methods to calculate the generated corrective force needed to make Scoliosis into a proper shape is Finite Element Method (FEM). Using the Finite Element Method, each disc and vertebral body are modelled into a one-dimensional space frame element structure. This study used a MATLAB syntax program to conduct the Finite Element Method. Changing the way of space frame MATLAB program, the input consists of mechanical properties, initial position, ideal position, precision, and forces are being added implicitly. As a validation, the results were compared to the Moment-Area Method. The result is in the form of deflection with the difference between the two being minuscule. It means the result of this study is relatively accurate. From this statement, the program can be applied to scoliosis cases. The distributed generated forces were obtained with how much penetration points of generated force around mid-points was fairly achieved. Even though X-Y plane was slightly focused at one point, Cobb Angle for each plane is lower than 4o for X-Y plane and 7o for Z-Y plane, which is at the ideal zone of the Cobb Angle. Therefore, the generated corrective forces for scoliosis case is achieved. Keywords: Corrective Force, Finite Element Method, MATLAB, Spine. %D 2023 %T Force Estimation on Scoliotic Spine Fixation Using One-Dimensional Element with Space Frame Structure Model