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PENGAWASAN PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN NAGARI OLEH BADAN PERMUSYAWARATAN NAGARI DI KABUPATEN AGAM ( Robi Syafwar, 1520112011, Program Magister Hukum,FakultasHukumUniversitasAndalas, 118Halaman, 2017) ABSTRAK Mengingatkedudukan, kewenangandankeuangandesa yang semakinkuat,dengan berbagai sumber sehingga penggunaan dan peruntukan serta pertanggungjawabannya pun akan bervariasi maka penyelenggaraanpemerintahandesadiharapkanlebihakuntabel yangdidukungdengansistempengawasandankeseimbanganantarapemerintahdesadanlembagadesa. Lembagadesa, khususnyaBadanPermusyawaratanDesa yang dalamkedudukannyamempunyaifungsipengawasan,BAMUS memilikiperanyang strategis dalammengawaldanmengawasisegala sumber keuangan desa tersebut, gunameminimalisirpenyalahgunaan, tentu BAMUS harusdapatmenjalankanfungsinyadenganbaik. Adapunrumusanmasalah yang dibahasdalampenelitianini, Bagaimana pengawasanpengelolaankeuangannagariolehBAMUS di KabupatenAgam, Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhiBAMUSdalammelakukanpengawasanpengelolaankeuanganNagari, BagaimanapenguatanpengawasanBAMUSdalammelakukanpengelolaankeuanganNagari.Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalahpenelitianhukumyuridisempiris.BAMUS menjadi lembaga nagari yang melaksanakan fungsi pemerintahan, sekaligus juga menjalankan fungsi menampung dan menyalurkan aspirasi masyarakat desa; melakukan pengawasan kinerja Wali Nagari serta menyelenggarakan musyawarah nagari. Ini berarti bahwa BPD fungsi politik yang kuat (representasi, kontrol dan deliberasi) dalam melaksanakan pengawasandalampengelolaankeuangannagaridarisetiaptahapanmulaiperencanaan, pelaksanaan, sertapertanggungjawaban. Beberapafaktor yang mempengaruhi BAMUS dalammelaksanakanfungsipengawasannya; dimanapemahamanakantugasdanfungsi yang tidakmenyeluruhdarisetiapanggota; hubunganantaraWaliNagaridan BAMUS yang belumberjalanmaksimaldalamsetiap proses penyelenggaraanpemerintahnagariserta proses pembinaandanpendampingan yang tidakkomperhensifdanmenyeleruhterhadap BAMUS.Pengaturan BAMUS melaluiperdaKabupaten/Kota meskimemastikanpenguatanmekanismepengisiankeanggotaan BAMUS berdasarkanprinsipkualitasdarianggota BAMUS.PerlunyamembangunhubungankemitraanterbukaantaraPemerintahanNagaridengan BAMUS dalamrangkaperkuatanpemerintahandesasehinggasetiapaspekperencanaanhinggapertanggungjawabandapatterlaksanasecarapartisipatif, akuntabeldantransparan. Perlunyapenguatan yang berkelanjutandanpembinaan yang menyeluruhdilakukanolehpihakkecamatan/Kabupaten. Praktek-praktek yang terbangundalampenyelenggaraanpemerintahannagaridalam proses rekrutmen BAMUS diharapkanmempertimbangkannilai-nilailokal yang berkembangdidalammasyarakat Kata Kunci :Pengawasan, Bamus,KeuanganNagari, KabupatenAgam SUPERVISION OF NAGARI FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BY NAGARI PERMUSYAWARATAN AGENCY IN REGENCY OF AGAM (Robi Syafwar, 1520112011, Master of Law Faculty of Law Andalas University, Padang, 118 Page, 2017 ) ABSTRACT Given the position, authority and finance of the village which is getting stronger, with various sources so that the use and allocation and accountability will vary so the administration of village government is expected to be more accountable supported by the supervision and balance system between the village government and the village institution. Village institutions, especially the Village Consultative Bodies which in their positions have supervisory functions, BAMUS has a strategic role in guarding and overseeing all the financial resources of the village, in order to minimize abuse, of course BAMUS must be able to perform its functions properly. The formulation of the issues discussed in this study, How the supervision of nagari financial management by BAMUS in Agam District, Factors affecting BAMUS in monitoring the financial management Nagari, How to strengthening BAMUS supervision in managing Nagari finances. The research method used is juridical empirical legal research. BAMUS becomes a nagari institution that carries out the functions of government, as well as performs the functions of accommodating and channeling the aspirations of village communities; Conduct monitoring of the performance of WaliNagari and organize deliberation of nagari. This means that BPD strong political function (representation, control and deliberation) in carrying out supervision in nagari financial management from each stage start planning, implementation, and accountability. Several factors influence BAMUS in carrying out its oversight function; Where an understanding of the overall tasks and functions of each member; The relationship between WaliNagari and BAMUS that has not run maximally in every process of administration of nagari government and the process of guidance and assistance that is not comprehensive and compliant against BAMUS. BAMUS arrangement through regency / municipal regulations while ensuring the strengthening of BAMUS membership charging mechanism based on quality principle of BAMUS member. The need to build an open partnership relationship between the Nagari Government and BAMUS in order to strengthen village governance so that every aspect of planning to accountability can be implemented in a participatory, accountable and transparent manner. The need for sustained reinforcement and comprehensive guidance is undertaken by the Kecamatan / Kabupaten. The practices developed in the administration of the nagari administration in the BAMUS recruitment process are expected to consider the local values that are developed within the community Keywords: Supervision, Bamus, Nagari Finance, Kabupaten Agam
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Primary Supervisor: | Dr. Yuslim.,SH.,MH |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata Kunci :Pengawasan, Bamus,KeuanganNagari, KabupatenAgam |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana (Tesis) |
Depositing User: | s2 ilmu hukum |
Date Deposited: | 04 May 2021 03:22 |
Last Modified: | 04 May 2021 03:22 |
URI: | |
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