The Impact of Work Discipline, Emotional and Social Intelligence on Employee Performance : Case in Learning Activity Studio at Padang

Anggita, Suri Gusfadhila (2020) The Impact of Work Discipline, Emotional and Social Intelligence on Employee Performance : Case in Learning Activity Studio at Padang. Diploma thesis, Universitas Andalas.

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Employee performance is one of the key factors of success in the organisation. Basically, the high performance would improve the efficiency of the organization, minimize the turnover rate of the employees and reinforce the style of management of the company. Work discipline is an essential feature of HRM activity because good discipline demonstrates the sense of responsibility that a person has for the tasks assigned to him. Other than that, the ability to develop cognitive as well as emotional and social intelligence competencies is related to higher success in work settings. Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to perceive , understand and control emotions in oneself and others in an adaptive manner. While social intelligence defines the ability to manage social affairs and surroundings effectively and to express difficulty. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of work discipline, emotional , and social intelligence on employee performance in Learning Activity Studio Padang. All employees of Learning Activity Studio in Padang are the sample requirements of this research. By using Non-Probability Sampling with Census Sampling technique, with the total of respondents are 34. This study reveals that work discipline in SKB Kota Padang does have a positive but not significant impact on its employee performance, emotional intelligence in SKB Kota Padang does have a positive but not significant impact on its employee performance, and social intelligence in SKB Kota Padang does have a positive and significant impact on its employee performance. Keywords: Employee Performance, Work Discipline, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Primary Supervisor: Dr. Yulihasri, SE,MBA
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Depositing User: S1 Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi
Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2020 07:59
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2020 07:59

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