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FORMULASI BATUBARA SUB-BITUMINUS DAN BIOCHAR LIMBAH BUAH KELAPA MUDA SEBAGAI AMELIORAN TANAH BEKAS TAMBANG EMAS TERCEMAR MERKURI DI KABUPATEN DHARMASRAYA Abstrak Kepedulian terhadap kontaminasi dan pencemaran merkuri (Hg) di lingkungan daerah sekitar pertambangan emas tanpa izin (PETI) dan dampak negatifnya terhadap sistem tanah dan tanaman. Tujuan penelitian adalah (a) Mengkaji karakteristik sifat fisikokimia dan memetakan indeks kontaminasi dan pencemaran Hg pada tanah dan tanah bekas tambang emas di Kabupaten Dharmasraya; (b) Menguji potensi formulasi amelioran dari bubuk sub-bituminus (BS) dan biochar limbah buah kelapa muda (B-LKM) dalam mengadsorpsi Hg untuk mengurangi kelarutannya pada tanah bekas tambang emas; dan (c) Mengkaji kemampuan formulasi amelioran terpilih dalam inaktivasi Hg pada tanah bekas tambang emas untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman Tithonia diversifolia. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui metode survei dan eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (a) Konsentrasi Hg pada tanah bekas tambang emas di Kabupaten Dharmasraya dengan kedalam 0-20 cm dan 20-40 cm berada pada kisaran 2,61 sampai 7,42 mg kg-1 dengan rata–rata sebesar 4,18 mg kg-1 . Tingkat kontaminasi dan pencemaran Hg berada pada kriteria sangat tercemar; (b) Karakteristik sifat fisikokimia tanah bekas tambang emas yang terdiri dari kelas tekstur lempung berpasir, bobot volume (BV) sebesar 1,43 g cm-3 ; total ruang pori (TRP) sebesar 46,09%; pH H2O sebesar 4,03; kandungan C organik sebesar 0,04% dan kapasitas tukar kation (KTK) sebesar 7,15 cmol(+) kg-1 . Kadar Hg berkorelasi dengan C organik, BV dan TRP; (c) Pemberian takaran 40 t ha-1 dari masing – masing jenis amelioran memberikan peningkatan terhadap pH H2O, C organik, KTK untuk BS; untuk bubuk batubara sub�bituminus yang diaktivasi dengan NaOH (BS-NaOH) dan B-LKM. Penurunan kadar Hg masing – masing sebesar 2,50 (BS); 2,85 (BS-NaOH) dan 1,69 mg kg-1 (B-LKM), dibandingkan dengan kontrol (0 t ha-1 ); (d) Pemberian komposisi formulasi BS+B-LKM dan BS-NaOH+B-LKM dengan persentase 25%+75% memiliki kapasitas adsorpsi (Qe) Hg tertinggi dalam larutan sebesar 337,91 dan 338,00 mg g-1 pada tingkat konsentrasi 100 mg l-1 Hg2+ dengan efesiensi adsorpsi (R) sebesar 84,48% dan 84,50%; koefesien adsorpsi (Kd) sebesar 46,08 dan 45,86 l kg-1 pada pH 1,47 dan 1,59. Analisis model isotherm terhadap adsorpsi Hg dalam larutan menunjukkan kecenderungan pada persamaan linear model Freundlich (multilayer dan heterogen) dengan nilai R 2 = 1; (e) Aplikasi 25% BS�NaOH + 75% B-LKM dengan takaran 40 t ha-1 dapat memberikan peningkatan terhadap pH H2O, C organik, N total, P tersedia, KTK dan kation basa (K, Ca, Mg dan Na-dd) serta juga dapat menurunkan kadar Hg sebesar 4,15 mg kg-1 atau 60,32%, dibandingkan dengan kontrol dan (f) Aplikasi 25% BS-NaOH + 75% B-LKM dengan takaran 40 t ha-1 dapat memberikan peningkatan terhadap tinggi, kadar hara dan penurunan kadar Hg (0,74 mg kg-1 atau 93,67%) pada tanaman Tithonia diversifolia di tanah bekas tambang emas, dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Namun, masih diatas ambang batas. Maka, perlu dilakukan percobaan aplikasi teknik inaktivasi Hg dilapangan dengan formulasi amelioran 25% BS + 75% B-LKM pada takaran ≥ 40 t ha-1 di tanah bekas tambang emas Kabupaten Dharmasraya terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman Tithonia diversifolia sebagai upaya pemanfaatan kembali menjadi lahan produktif sebagai tourism area. Kata Kunci: Batubara sub-bituminus; Biochar limbah buah kelapa muda; Merkuri; Tanah bekas tambang emas; Tithonia diversifolia. 2 FORMULATION OF SUB-BITUMINOUS COAL AND YOUNG COCONUT WASTE BIOCHAR AS AMELIORATION OF EX�GOLD MINING SOIL IN DHARMASRAYA Abstract Concern about mercury (Hg) contamination and pollution in the environment around unlicensed gold mining and its negative impact on soil and plant systems. The objectives of the study were (a) to assess the characteristics of physicochemical properties and map the index of Hg contamination and pollution in soil and ex-gold mining soil in Dharmasraya; (b) to test the potential of ameliorant formulations from sub-bituminous coal (SC) and young coconut waste biochar (B-YCW) in adsorbing Hg to reduce its solubility in ex-gold mining soil; and (c) to assess the ability of selected ameliorant formulations in inactivating Hg in ex-gold mining soil to increase the growth of Tithonia diversifolia plants. The research method was conducted with a quantitative approach through survey and experimental methods. The results showed that (a) The concentration of Hg in the soil of ex-gold mining soil in Dharmasraya with a depth of 0-20 cm (4,11 mg kg-1 ) and 20-40 cm (4,25 mg kg-1 ) was in the range of 2.61 to 7.42 mg kg-1 with an average of 4.18 mg kg-1 . The Hg contamination and pollution index are in the criteria of highly polluted; (b) Characteristics of physicochemical properties of ex-gold mining soil consisting of sandy loam texture class, bulk density (BD) of 1.43 g cm-3 ; porosity of 46.09%; pH H2O of 4.03; organic C of 0.04% and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of 7.15 cmol(+) kg-1 . The Hg correlated with organic C, BD, and porosity; (c) Application of 40 t ha-1 of each type of ameliorant gave an increase in pH H2O, organic C, CEC for SC; for sub-bituminous coal activated with NaOH (SC-NaOH) and B-YCW. The decrease in Hg was 2.50 (SC); 2.85 (SC-NaOH) and 1.69 mg kg-1 (B-YCW), respectively, compared to the control (0 t ha-1 ); (d) The application of SC + B-YCW and SC-NaOH + B-YCW formulations with a percentage of 25% + 75% had the highest adsorption capacity (Qe) of Hg in the solution of 337.91 and 338.00 mg g-1 at a concentration of 100 mg l-1 Hg2+ with adsorption efficiency (R) of 84.48% and 84.50%; adsorption coefficient (Kd) of 46.08 and 45.86 l kg-1 at pH 1.47 and 1.59. Isotherm model analysis of Hg adsorption in solution showed a trend towards the linear equation of the Freundlich model (multilayer and heterogeneous) with R2 = 1; (e) Application of 25% SC-NaOH + 75% B-YCW at the rate of 40 t ha-1 can provide an increase in pH H2O, organic C, total N, available P, CEC and base cations (K, Ca, Mg, and Na-exch) and can also reduce Hg by 4.15 mg kg-1 or 60.32%, compared to the control and (f) Application of 25% SC-NaOH + 75% B-YCW at the rate of 40 t ha-1 can provide an increase in height, nutrients and a decrease in Hg (0.74 mg kg-1 or 93.67%) in Tithonia diversifolia plants in ex-gold mining soils, compared to the control. However, it is still above the threshold. So, it is necessary to experiment with the application of Hg inactivation techniques in the field with an ameliorant formulation of 25% SC + 75% B-YCW at a rate of ≥ 40 t ha-1 on the ex-gold mining soil of Dharmasraya on the growth of Tithonia diversifolia plants as an effort to reuse it into productive land as a tourism area. Keywords: Sub-bituminous coal; Young coconut waste biochar; Mercury; Ex-gold mining soil; Tithonia diversifolia.
Item Type: | Thesis (S3) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Ir. Herviyanti. MS |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Sub-bituminous coal; Young coconut waste biochar; Mercury; Ex-gold mining soil; Tithonia diversifolia |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > S3 Ilmu Pertanian |
Depositing User: | S3 Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian |
Date Deposited: | 12 Nov 2024 06:45 |
Last Modified: | 12 Nov 2024 06:45 |
URI: | |
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