Sistem Monitoring Suhu, Kelembaban dan Gas Amonia pada Kandang Sapi Perah Berbasis Teknologi Internet of Things (IoT)

Aulia, Tiffani (2017) Sistem Monitoring Suhu, Kelembaban dan Gas Amonia pada Kandang Sapi Perah Berbasis Teknologi Internet of Things (IoT). Diploma thesis, Universitas Andalas.

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This research aims to create a dairy cage monitoring system that can send data of temperature, humidity and ammonia gas in the cage and display notification and recommendation based on these data. The system consists of three main components: monitoring tool, web server and mobile application. Monitoring tool consist of arduino uno microcontroller, DHT22 sensor, MQ-135 sensor and ESP8266. The web server receives data from the microcontroller and sends data to the mobile application. The mobile app displays monitoring data as well as notification and recommendation when the temperature, humidity and ammonia gas of the enclosure are in an ideal state. After testing, ESP8266 is able to send data to web server with average time difference between data sent to web server is 39 second at 25 meter distance. Keywords: Dairy cows, monitoring system, ESP8266, mobile application

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Primary Supervisor: Dody Ichwana Putra, MT
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Informasi > Sistem Komputer
Depositing User: s1 sistem komputer
Date Deposited: 22 Sep 2017 10:46
Last Modified: 22 Sep 2017 10:46

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